Why Buy New Dry-Cleaning Equipment?

Buy new or buy used? That is the question. While the decision to buy new versus buying used can be applied to a variety of products (i.e., vehicles, office equipment, musical instruments), it also applies to dry cleaning equipment. For a dry-cleaning business, equipment can certainly be a significant expense. And while in a perfect world, new…

Why REMA Blow Down Tanks Are Superior

While blow down tanks are a huge part of any boiler system, not all of them are created equal. Blow down tanks perform several key roles in a boiler system. They help a boiler operate more effectively and efficiently, save on energy, and even reduce maintenance requirements. Specifically, their benefits consist of helping a boiler…

Benefits of a Condensate Unit from REMA Dri-Vac

As you know, boilers are typically installed in commercial and industrial settings, and they serve an important role in terms of creating heat and/or electricity for said facility. Boilers work with water, and a common byproduct of an operating boiler is condensate, which is produced as water heats. Contrary to what many people may think,…

Does the Quality of Fabricare Equipment Really Matter?

When you are choosing equipment for your fabricare business, it can be tempting to look for the least expensive equipment you can find to cut back your startup costs; however, this decision can be detrimental to your business. Instead, you should be more concerned about the quality of the fabricare equipment you choose. High-quality equipment…

Return Systems 101

A return system is an integral component of any boiler set up. Learn more about exactly what a return system does, how it works, what benefits it can bring to your company, and what types of return systems are available from Rema Dri-Vac. What Is a Return System? Simply put, a return system is a…